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How do I apply Féria Hair Color?
Step-by-Step Guide for Applying Feria at Home
Step 1. Be sure hair is dry, unshampooed and detangled. Put on colorist gloves. Drape towel over shoulders to protect clothing.
Step 2. Twist off tip from the Shimmering Conditioning Developer Crème Bottle (2). Then, remove applicator cap from bottle completely.
Step 3. Pour all of the Shimmering Conditioning Color Gel (1) into Shimmering Conditioning Developer Crème Bottle (2).
Step 4. Open Aromatic Shimmer Serum (ampoule labeled (3)) and pour contents into bottle (2).
Step 5. Replace applicator cap securely on Shimmering Conditioning Developer Crème Bottle (2).
Step 6. Place your gloved finger over open tip. Point away from your face and shake well until contents are thoroughly mixed.
Step 1. Immediately after mixing, squeeze color from bottle (2) onto dry, unwashed hair beginning in front. Work mixture gently through hair, from roots to ends.
Step 2. Use as little or as much mixture as needed to saturate hair completely. Refer to lines on bottle (2) label as a guide.
Step 3. Pile longer hair loosely on top of head, securing with a plastic clip if necessary.
Féria develops in 25 minutes. Don’t skimp on processing time! If you rinse your color before it has enough time to develop, it won’t reach its most-gorgeous potential.
When time is up, keeping gloves on, add a little cool water to hair and gently work into a lather. Rinse thoroughly until water runs clear. Squeeze excess water from hair.
Deep Condition, Shimmer and Shine:
Apply the Shimmer Boost Conditioner (4) to hair. Work through and let penetrate for two minutes. Rinse thoroughly with cool water until water runs clear. No need to shampoo.